Earth Science Martin Wilkins
NASA Picture February 5th, 2014
Image Citation: <Nemiroff, Robert, and Jerry Bonnell. "Astronomy Picture of the Day." APOD: April 14, 1998. N.p., 14 Apr. 1998. Web. 05 Feb. 2014.>
I chose NASA Photo of the Day from April 14th, 1998. This photo is the reflection nebula Sharpless 2-1 in the constellation of Scorpius. The thick dust is what caught my eye the most, since we are able to see not only blue stars but the reflecting lights coming from the stars creating a blue fog on the lower part of the picture. Also the dust is attracted to blue stars more then red stars which is why the reflection nebula is scene as blue.
Link of Photo :
I find it cool that all the stars in the sky are able to give earth such a bright and powerful light at night.