Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Current Event

William Rabsey                                                                       Mrs. McClellan

February 25, 2014                                                                  C block

Kramer, Miriam. "Sun Unleashes Monster Solar Flare, Biggest of 2014." Fox News. FOX News Network, 25 Feb. 2014. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.    

On Monday the sun emitted the largest solar flare of the year. It was a X4.9-class solar flare and it erupted from an active sunspot, named AR1990. Footage of this flare was recorded from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. This solar flare could have been potentially dangerous if it were pointed at Earth, and would possibly cause a geomagnetic storm. Many experts say that strong solar flares can harm satellites that orbit earth. Currently the sun is in an active phase of the solar cycle which can produce
These solar flares can be used to help humans learn more about the sun and what it is capable of. This could help us prepare for any future solar flare that is aimed towards Earth. When the sun flare is aimed toward the earth it could create destructive geomagnetic storms as well as harm astronauts and satellites orbiting Earth. For example last January a solar flare delayed the launch of a private cargo ship to the international space station.  I chose this article because it is related to the solar system and what we are currently learning in class. I am also deeply fascinated with astronomy and natural occurrences in outer space.

I felt that the article was a bit confusing upon first inspection. The article neglected to explain what solar flares are let alone what X class solar flares are. It also did not explain the effects of a geomagnetic storm. However the article did provide great visuals such as pictures and a video of the solar flare. It also gave quotes and many expert opinions. Providing examples of the power of solar flares greatly helped us understand their capability. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Current Event 1- Shocks in the city

Graham Klimley
Current Event
February 24, 2014

            The snow is melting, spring is upon us, the weather is getting warm, how much better can it get for us (humans) in late February? Well, for dogs, that’s not the case.  While we are very happy to see that the sidewalks are finally getting rid of the snow, ice, and slush, they still hold a very high electoral shock that can be very harmful to dogs if they lick the snow. On February 19, 2014 several blocks in downtown Manhattan were blocked off for hours to try and figure out what this shock is, and why it is affecting dogs and even humans.
            The reason for this is that something went wrong in the detective cable, according to service advisor Con Ed. Though no dog or human was hurt this time, there have been instances when people and dogs have been hurt. In the winter of 2004, Jodie Lane was walking on a New York City sidewalk. The street was damp and wet and she got wet and she was electrocuted. The electrocution killed her, and Con Ed said that the cause of the electrocution was because of poorly insulated wires in the streets of New York City. In 2007, two dogs were electrocuted in the matter of days when they were walking on the streets in New York City. Unfortunately, one dog died because of the shock, but the other one was revived because its owner did CPR.  Even as early as this month, a pit bull stepped outside go one a walk but instead he got shocked. These occurrences are happening rapidly and it is nerve racking for people to even go one walks now with there dogs or not.
            It’s not surprise that these shocks are happening during the winter. Water from the snow and ice can conduct electricity but not very efficiently. What really sets up the water to have a lot of electoral power is that when the salt and other materials, such as, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride and certain chloride compounds are dissolved in the water, and this gives the water more shock. The sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium chlorides are the exact compounds found in the sidewalks of New York City.
            In most recent cases of this, Con Ed was able to figure out the problem and figure out why this is happening. In general, just be safe when walking in New York City, and if you see your dog acting weird take him straight to the vet, and if you feel a shock go straight to the ER.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ancient Martian Lake May Have Supported Life

Earth Science C Odd                                                                             Mallory Bates
Current Event                                                                                        2/24/14

“Ancient Martian Lake May Have Supported Life”

Chang, Kenneth. "Ancient Martian Lake May Have Supported Life." The New York Times 9 Dec. 2013: n. pag. 9 Dec. 2013. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.

            Before December 9th, 2013, scientists had no evidence to prove that life had ever been possible on Mars. However, on the second Monday of December, scientists reported that around 3.5 billion years ago Mars had a large, freshwater lake that may have been inhabited by life forms. This new data came from the Mars rover Curiosity, which landed last year in the same crater believed to once hold the lake. Scientists don’t know whether or not life has ever appeared on Mars. John Grotzinger, a geology professor from California said that “all the essential ingredients for life were present” and that if microbes similar to those on Earth had lived in that ancient Martian lake, “they could have been sustained, prospered, grown, [and] multiplied.” All of this comes from two mudstones that Curiosity picked up and drilled into earlier this year. The data was sent back to Earth, where scientists found out that the structure, chemistry, and mineralogy of the two rocks were “extremely earthlike.” Nowadays, Mars is frigid, arid, and full of radiation, but during its first billion years, it was much wetter and warmer. NASA chose for the rover Curiosity to land in this crater because when in orbit, some readings picked up the presence of clay, which is only formed with waters of a neutral pH level. Several elements that are critical for life on Earth were identified by Curiosity, such as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. With all of this new and very useful information, scientists are now beginning the search for organic compounds, the building blocks for life, as well as introducing new methods to estimate the ages of rocks on Mars.
            Discoveries on Mars are relevant to both scientists and the general public alike. The fact that Mars might have sustained life billions of years ago is important because it answers many questions that scientists and the public may have about the planet. Educating ourselves about our home planet and its neighbors is important so we can be aware of what is happening. Also, although it may be a long shot, if Mars once supported life, it may be able to support life again in the distant future, something that could potentially solve the crisis of Earth running out of its limited resources. Either way, scientific discoveries in regards to Mars are of high importance.
            I thought that this article was very well-written. It was factual, concise, and interesting to read. I had no idea about anything that was happening on Mars, so it was enlightening. My one criticism would be that the author should have included more about the impact that the discovery of Mars once having a lake would have on the science world, and also on the general public. If we can find that there was once life on Mars, could we possibly live there in the future? Could microbes be sent there to test if life could be sustained? The article was great, but left me with a lot of question about the future of Mars.  


Friday, February 14, 2014

“New Fossil Evidence of Romundina Fish Explains Origins of the Human Face?”

Dara Rivadeneira                                                                                                        2/13/14

Mrs. McClennan                                                                                             Earth Science 10H

Current Event

“New Fossil Evidence of Romundina Fish Explains Origins of the Human Face?”

Fenner, James. "New Fossil Evidence of Romundina Fish Explains Origins of the Human Face?" Guardian Liberty Voice. Guardian Liberty Voice, 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. <>.


A 410 million year old fish fossil, Romundina, found in the Canadian Artic, is being investigated to see if the fish has evidence that can clarify on why the human face is formed the way it is today and the roots of its formation.  What needs to be known is how jawless vertebrates became jawed vertebrates that dramatically changed numerous species of animals’ facial features.  From a jawless vertebrate’s embryo it is clearly distinct whether it is jawless or jawed based on the sections of tissues that grow in of the face.  The point of the article is that from Romundina’s fossil scientists have been able to find little key steps to the transition of the jawless to jawed vertebrates.  By using micron resolution X-ray imaging in France they were allowed to go in depth and have a three-dimensional view of the fish’s skeleton to depict certain features that match with jawed vertebrates and jawless vertebrates.


The fact of that scientists are finding new and interesting puzzle pieces to fit the question of how the human face came to be is relevant to the topic of understanding and fitting the empty spaces to the stages of evolution.  It may lead to a better understanding on why we look the way we look, how this new information can help us, and why did organisms form a jaw.  The scientists as stated in the article are becoming closer on figuring out how jawless vertebrates developed a jaw and stared key transitions that helped along the way, meaning what came first in the process of the modern jawed organism. 


This article should have links or to say what are the scientists in France are doing now to further investigate.  For example are they still examining this fish’s fossil structure or are they searching for similar fishes?  I felt as though I am being left out on some information and would like to know more and leaves the audience hanging.  However, the lack of other information is understandable due to this study and new information to be so recent because they have to further research this certain species and find more evidence.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Current Event: "Mars Rover Marks an Unexpected Anniversary With a Mysterious Discovery"

Ellie Briskin                                                                                            February 10, 2013
Earth Science C Even                                                                                        Mrs. McClellan

“Mars Rover Marks an Unexpected Anniversary With a Mysterious Discovery”

Chang, Kenneth. "Mars Rover Marks an Unexpected Anniversary With a Mysterious Discovery." New York TImes, 23 Jan. 2014. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <>.

On January 23, NASA celebrated the astounding 10th anniversary of the Opportunity Mars rover. The fact that it is still even functional today is a shock to all, for it was built to only last three months. Scientists predicted that after this time, too much dust would have accumulated on the solar panels and the batteries would die. But thankfully, the planet’s strong winds have been able to blow away this dust, leaving Opportunity able to operate. Not only is it just operating:  A few weeks ago, it discovered a rock that wasn’t in the same location just two weeks prior. Most researchers attribute this seemingly spontaneous materialization to the rover’s lame wheel accidentally flicking it out of the ground, but what’s more interesting is the rock’s composition. It’s high in sulfur, magnesium, and manganese, and appears white on the outside and red on the inside. This is unusual, considering Mars’ crust is made of basalt and iron oxide. Scientists are unsure how it got there, but toy with the idea that the rock could be a vestige from an asteroid hit. Dr. Squyres, principal investigator of Opportunity, accurately describes the rover as telling “an ongoing story of discovery” of Mars. Each new development opens up more and more questions pertaining to the mysterious red planet, such as the rover’s recent find of a clay mineral known as iron smectite. To most this may seem insignificant, but geologists know this mineral only forms in environments with water, giving us a taste of a much different Mars thousands of years ago. The Opportunity rover has miraculously driven almost 24 miles further than was predicted, and the 170,000 pictures it has taken is a gift to scientists everywhere. But considering it can only fight off Mars’ conditions for so long, and as the project currently costs 14 million dollars each year to finance, it’s quite possible that this anniversary is the rover’s last.

Mars, Opportunity, and its discoveries are relevant to not just serious scientists and researchers, but to the general public as well. If the rover does indeed find signs of life on Mars, that means there could be a whole other species for humans to communicate with. Not only that, but we could work to colonize on Mars if we knew it was habitable. Knowledge of other life systems other than ours would forever change life as we know it; we would no longer be alone in our solar system. And second, NASA, like all other government projects, is funded by the US government, ergo paid for by taxpayers. The population has to decide whether or not they want their money going toward the Opportunity project, or something else entirely. To make this decision, we need to know what kind of findings the rover is bringing to the scientific realm, and weigh the pros with the economic cons. Either way, knowledge of Mars’ developments is more than relevant to the human race.

Although the article was interesting and informative, it could also be very confusing at times. The author jumped around from topic to topic in a nonsensical way, making it hard to follow. There were few transitions between ideas, leaving the reading wondering how, if at all, the thoughts are connected. Plus, as the author was obviously well versed in astronomy, he sometimes left out key facts about Mars, probably assuming it was part of the reader’s prior knowledge. This was not always the case, most notably when the author discussed the rock’s chemical composition. Even though he said the rock’s composition and noted it as “unusual”, he took no steps as to explaining why. I had to research the composition of Mars on my own to understand why the presence of sulfur, magnesium, and manganese caused such a shock. Despite these shortcomings, the introduction’s distinct clarity gave the reader a strong foundation before reading the details, so the reader could infer most of the missing information moving forward. The picture was also very assistive in visualizing the situation as scientists would see directly from Opportunity’s photographs. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article, for I’m very interested in the realm of outer space, but wish it was structured in a more comprehensible way. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Current event-Nuclear Waste Solution Seen in Desert Salt Beds.

Tim Weir                                                                                                         2/10/2014
Wald, Matthew L. "Nuclear Waste Solution Seen in Desert Salt Beds." New York Times. 9 Feb.2014.                  Web. 10 Feb. 2014.
Half a mile beneath the deserts of New Mexico caverns of salt exist. The caverns of salt have been carved out and are being utilized for stowing of radioactive waste leftover from civilian and military pursuits.  The process being radioactive waste placed into the caverns then the salt grows six inches every year so the idea is that the salt will engulf the radioactive material and it will decompose. The fears that surrounds this idea is that the area of the salt mines are rich in oil so if someone were to drill on the salt mines inadvertently and release the radioactive material. Lately the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) experienced some difficulty when a truck caught on fire and the mine had to be evacuated. However, no one was hurt and the radioactive waste was at the opposite end of the mine. The WIPP was brought about because the Yucca project fell through. The Yucca Mountain was supposed to be a geological repository for nuclear waste however, the Obama Administration cut the projects funding. State representatives are thoroughly in favor of the project because they feel that because of the low earthquake incidence, the dry climate and the fact that the land is not being utilized for much else. The Governor of New Mexico stated that he was in favor of the project as long as it was conducted in a safe manor.
Human influence
            This could revolutionize the way that radioactive waste is dealt with. Instead of becoming a topic highly debated between the EPA and the Federal government this could be an easy answer. The WIPP is a very interesting project that will play out in the future. One of the people they interviewed suggested that they wait 25 years to see if it is successful. If it was successful then they could export the practice to other areas to stash more nuclear waste.
            One thing that the article did not make me fully aware of was that in 30 years what will happen to the nuclear waste? Will it not be radioactive? What benefit does the salt have over say dirt? If the Radioactive waste is simply being stored there as a placed where it will not harm anyone until it is no longer radioactive then it seems to be an effective way of doing things. Also, I was confused by some of the specifics of the dangers of fracking and drilling. The reporter did not report scientific details but simply opinions of others.

Current Event--"Freezing Out The Bigger Picture" --Serina Aridi

Serina Aridi                                                                           2/10/14
Earth Science—C-ODD                                                       Mrs. McClellan

“Freezing Out the Bigger Picture”

Gillis, Justin. “Freezing Out the Bigger Picture.” 10 Feb 2014. New York Times Science. Web. 10 February 2014. <>

               Many people have been blaming the recent weather changes on global warming; however this is not the case.  Because the weather has been frigid on the east coast, we are left to wonder: if the world is being affected by global warming, why is it so cold? The polar vortex, a pattern that usually keeps cold air compact near the North Pole, has been weakened. Scientists believe that the polar vortex was weakened by the decline of sea ice in the Arctic. When this occurs, the jet stream is then altered. This ultimately creates zones of extreme heat or cold. The west coast consequently is suffering weathers of extreme heat while the east coast has been dealing with snow storms consistently. Scientists have developed the conclusion that the blast of cold weather on the east coast is the result of dips in the jet stream that enabled the cold air to travel from Polar Regions into the east coast. The severe cold weather, however, has not been affecting the whole country. While the east coast has been facing frigid weather, the west coast has been suffering heat extremities. Robert Henson of the National Center for Atmospheric Research stated that the weather that we are experiencing now is less than the severity of the weather conditions in the 1970s; however many are reacting negatively towards to weather because winters have been mild for the past 20-30 years.

                Because of the disruption to the polar vortex, humans are being affected through the cold weather in the east coast and the hot weather in the west coast. Consequently, cities in the north east do not have safe driving conditions due to the icy roads and because towns do not have enough room to contain the snow. The snow has not been sufficiently melting in various towns because recently it has been snowing weekly in most places. The president addressed this issue and as soon as he mentioned the snow, it started snowing in Washington D.C, says Patrick J. Michaels, a meteorologist. Additionally, many people in Georgia have been affected by the snow by not being able to leave their houses, as they were snowed in. Conversely, people on the west coast have been suffering a drought and are in fear that they will run out of water as they enter their third year of this drought.

               I believe that this article was well written; however I think the article should have displayed both sides—the east coast and the west coast—equally so that the reader would be able to further understand that the entire country is being affected by severe weather, and not just the east coast. This would also help readers to understand that global warming is not just the cause of the heat in the west coast, but also because of the polar vortex. The article mostly focuses on frigid weather, yet I believe the readers should be further notified by what is going on in the entire country. I would have also discussed global warming more. Otherwise, the article was well written because it presented statistics, and thus made statements that were backed up by facts that were stated clearly. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Nasa picture of the day Mars and Orion

This picture is the view of Mars and Orion from monument valley. It looks like a photo that was taken from high above the ground to get a perfect image of both Orion and Mars. Besides the two that are focused on, the picture shows hundreds of others stars in the night. This makes me wonder if we could see that many stars in New York if there wasn't any light pollution and how far away are all of these stars that we see in this picture.
"Astronomy Picture of the Day." APOD: 2014 February 2. 10 Feb. 2014 <>.

Picture of Airglow, Gegenschein, and the Milky Way

I chose the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day from April 20th, 2013. Taken from Las Campanas Observatory in the southern Atacama desert of Chile, this scenic picture is of the Airglow, Gegenschein, and the Milky Way. The green atmospheric airglow covers the thin clouds due to chemiluminescence, which is the production of light in a chemical reaction. The chemical energy is created by the Sun’s extreme ultraviolet radiation and is also found around the globe. Also visible is the Gegenschein, seen as a faint bluish cloud in the picture. A Gegenschein is when sunlight reflects on dust along the solar system’s ecliptic plane. The Milky Way is also present in this picture. One question I have is how often do Airglows and Gegenscheins occur, and are they a common?

Jillian Jiampietro

Current Event: Snow in the Northeast

Joe Pepe                                                                                                                                         2/10/14

Ortiz, Erik, and Henry Austin. "Northeast getting slammed with cold, snow as winter storm intensifies." NBC News. 21 Jan. 2014. NBC. 10 Feb. 2014 <>.

          I read an article by the name of "Northeast Getting Slammed with Cold Snow as Winter Storm Intensifies". This article was about the harsh cold and snowy conditions the northeast has been having for the past couple weeks. It talks about how some areas of the Northeast are getting more then a foot of snow and harsh blistering winds. It also talks about how the areas affected by this weather are closing schools and shutting down government buildings. It shows that the National Weather Service recorded 15.5 inches of snow in Manalapan, New Jersey and a little over a foot in Philadelphia. This snow that these areas had, later turned into ice in the next few days. This then caused many personal injuries. Scott Graham, the assistant chief of Montgomery County fire and rescue in Maryland said, "We've had about 80+ calls for personal injuries collisions." and that was in one day. It also says that the Governors of Delaware, New York and New Jersey called states of emergencies because of blizzard conditions on tuesday, January 21. New York also broke three snow fall records and 11 inches fell in Northeast Heights, Maryland. This bad weather also made air travel to become dangerous and more than 6,600 flights were canceled, and 3,342 were delayed on the 21st. Tom Ripley, a hardware store owner in Washington D.C. said, "Nobody prepares because we never get any snow, so the slightest chance of it, everybody freaks out." He then said that his store then sold out of shovels and ice melt for the storm. It also says how in some states the temperatures drop massively, as close to 30 to 40 degrees. Then it goes on to say how the great lakes will have and effect on states like Michigan and Wisconsin, as they will receive massive snowfalls that come from the lakes.

        This shows how the country and the people of the United States are being affected by these winter storms. It also causes a negative effect on wild life because wild life eats the ice salt thinking it is food and it dehydrates the animal and it dies. This is also bad for the well being of people as many get injured by slipping on ice, or a car skidding on black ice. This is also a downside for the schools of the affected areas as many have to cancel and many students miss a lot of class. This is also bad for working people because it is very hard to get to work when the roads are covered in snow and ice and are to dangerous to drive on.

        I believe that this article is very strong. It come from a reliable source in NBC and it has great first person view of people who have been effected by the storm. It also is strong because there are some videos that go along with the story that help picture what is going on in other states besides New York. It is also strong because of the lead meteorologist that gave them information about the storm is from the weather channel, which is a very reliable source.  

North Carolina Power Plant Spill Current Event

Thomas King 2/10/14
Earth Science C block odd Mrs. McCllelan
Wines, Michael. "Huge Leak of Coal Ash Slows at North Carolina Power Plant." New York Times., 6 Feb. 2014. Web. 7 Feb. 2014.
               In North Carolina a coal drain pipe collapsed leaking 50000-82000 tons of ash into the Dan River System.  This occurred on February 2. The impoundment that the drain pipe was in was closed down in 2012 by Duke Energy.  The coal that collapsed contaminated 27 million gallons of water which leaked into the river. The contaminated water showed the presence of 28 toxic metals. Those metals consisted of toxic levels of mercury, selenium, and arsenic. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources said that the toxic water did not contaminate the 5 communities that are downstream from the collapsed pipe.  Officials in Virginia Beach closed the intake of drinking water because the reservoir they take the water from is taken from the Dan River System. The Waterkeeper Alliance took samples of water yards away from the collapse and came up with samples ten times greater than the tests Duke ran a couple miles downstream. The effects of the spill on wild life have yet to be found. However, the fear is that this spill with high levels of arsenic will harm the endangered Roanoke logprech. This is the most recent coal spill and the EPA has said that 45 coal storage sites nationally have hazards materials.
               The impact of the Dan River spill is yet to be seen. However, with the recent pipe bursts that leaked a long list of hazardous chemicals into pounds across North Carolina. As well as the report that there are 45 more such storage units something needs to be done. If it is impossible to remove the pipes without spilling the material into the water system. At least, set up a recon group which inspects the pipes and storage units so that they do not spill. We may have gotten lucky with the Dan River spill but, the next time we might not be so lucky and severely harm another water system.
               I have no complaints about this writer’s style of writing in this article. I found that it was very informative and flowed very well.

Natalia Kaminski
NASA Picture
February 10, 2014

                      I chose the NASA photo of the day from December 24, 2013. The photo is of a huge cosmic bubble which was created by a Wolf-Rayet star, located near the center of the nebula. It is so great is size that in covers the sky slightly more than a Full Moon. Wolf-Rayet stars have over 20 times the mass of the Sun and their hot, fast winds sweep up slower moving material from an earlier phase of evolution.

M82 Supernova

A new supernova was found earlier this month in M82. The new supernova has been named SN 2014J. The supernova is located near the Big Dipper. SN 2014J has yet to reach its maximum brightness yet it already is the brightest in M82. M82 is 12 million light years away so that means that SN 2014J exploded 12 million years ago and we are now just able to see it.  The question that I have is how many supernovas have we yet to see and how often do they really occur?

Lunar Time Lapse Panorama including the Yutu Rover

Image Credit: CNSAChinanewsKenneth Kremer & Marco Di Lorenzo
Add capnkjgjgjgjgjtionbjbjbjfiehfdewf

The Yutu Rover was placed on the Earth's moon, on mid- December of 2013. It was placed there to film the activity happening on the moon. The rover is able to capture footage of all the activity taking place on the moon. Once the rover gets enough footage at one place on the moon, it is never to return there again. Since the rover is solar powered, it is allowed a two week period of sleep mode. Which could potentially be a problem since there is an absence of footage, who knows what we are missing. 

John Seminara                                                                                               2/7/14

Earth Science                                                                         Homework Assignment One

Image Cited
"Astronomy Picture of the Day." APOD: 2014 February 6. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. <>.
-           This magnificent photo was taken on the evening of January 25th following the sunset using a digital camera in the Yunnan Province of South-West China. The persistent airglow, which is ultimately demonstrated in this picture, is a result from chemiluminescence. This means that the obstinate airglow is caused by electronically or vibration-rotationally atoms or molecules being remarkably excited 80km or higher. The amount of chemical energy that is required is provided by the sun’s extreme ultraviolet radiation occurring on this night. As depicted in the image, the glow of a purple and dark red is exhibited throughout the entire night sky. This helps to show the uniqueness of the photo since it allows the brightness of the multiple stars to really pop out in addition to being astonishing because of how bright they seem in the glowing sky. The different shades of color present in the sky make larger stars contrast more with stars that are smaller in regards to size. Furthermore another noteworthy aspect of this picture is evident in the darkness that envelopes the mountains and countryside beneath the well lit sky. In addition, interestingly the stars are admirably reflected in the rice terraces below the sky, demonstrating their brightness. Lastly, it would be attention-grabbing to be able to view this scenario occurring in different parts of the world and how different environments may have an impact on the different colors and the overall portrayal of this sort of reaction that may possibly occur in other places all across the globe. Additionally some questions that were arisen include ideas of why people continuously overlook extraordinary photos such as the one depicted above? Moreover, another question that came up was why does society not capture images such as this one more often and truly become captivated by how superb the uniqueness of the image is? Having the capability to capture this scene in an image gives people the time to enjoy looking at the picture and it would come to my understanding that not too many people get the opportunity to relish this experience in the moment, and actually being able to attend and witness this in real life.