Saturday, September 7, 2013

Milky Way Over Spain's Bardenas Reales

This is a photo of the Milky Way over Castildetierra, a rock formation in Bardenas Reales, in northeast Spain.  The view above Castildetierra is Earth's side view of the Milky Way Galaxy.  Although the Milky Way is a beautiful sight, it is not the main focus of the picture.  The Milky Way band can actually be seen on most clear nights from any place on Earth.  It is the rock formation Castildetierra that is rare.  It is 50 meters tall and was made by erosion from wind and water over thousands of years.  Now that I know the Milky Way can be seen from many places I would love to be able to see it for myself someday.  Where are the best places to see the Milky Way?  Why is the Castildetierra such a rare and important sight?


  1. I think that this picture is very interesting because at first glance, an observer may think that the focal point of the photo is the side view of the Milky Way Galaxy, but as you pointed out, it is the rock formation, Castildetierra. What I wonder about this photograph, is why the photographer included the side view of the Milky Way, when the rock formation is so rare and beautiful.

  2. This picture is very fascinating. The different constellations in the Milky Way originally caught my eye, but then at a closer glance I saw the rock. I did not know that the Milky Way could be seen on most clear nights, but I will be on the look out for that from now on. I also wondered the same thing as Natalie, why the Milky Way was included when the rock is meant to be the main focus of the photo.

  3. We have too much light pollution from New York City to see the Milky Way from Bronxville, but if you go out to the country, such as a rural place in upstate New York, you CAN see the Milky Way on a clear night! It may not be as spectacular as this photograph, but it would appear as a band of dense stars forming an arc across the sky. I have seen it, but not in a long time, because I don't get away from big cities enough!
