Thursday, March 13, 2014

NASA announces their assistance to help find Missing Malaysia Flight 370

Recently in the News on channels like CNN, ABC, and NBC there has been a lot of talk about the lost Malaysian Flight. I felt that it would be great to do a current event on the relation that NASA has to this mystery.
On March 7th, Malaysian Airplanes Flight 370 took off headed for Beijing. Sadly, the plane seems to have disappeared and is now unable to be found. Scholars have guessed that it may have been a terrorist attack or a malfunction in the plane, but honestly nobody knows for sure. Recently, NASA announced their participation to help find the plane. Using the satellites in Space, they are trying to uncover where this plane is, where the passengers and crew are, and what happened! 
Using the satellites Observing-1(EO-1) and ISERV Camera, the researchers have been attempting at finding possible images of potential crash sites. So far, there has not been any success. Media Correspondent Allard Beutel has announced that any evidence/data will be sent immediately to the U.S. Geological Survey's Earth Resources Observations and Science Hazard Data Distribution System to clearly prove whether or not the evidence is accurate. 
We hope that the scientists and researchers at NASA and across the world are able to find the plane and uncover what happened. They’re are 227 passengers and 12 crew members that all have the world curious wondering…What happened?…Are they Alive?So, we can only pray that we can find out this information. 
To conclude, I would like to state that I used a very reliable website called “LiveScience” which writes articles on all science news across the world. I actually found the website interesting as there are many stories that should intrigue our class. 

Links for Article:
 Citation: Wall, Mike. "NASA Joins Hunt for Missing Jetliner" 3/12/14, LiveScience Website

By Jack Gelinas


  1. Commenting here because I’d like to get this done before it’s too late! I hope you don’t mind if I do!

    This is a really good current event because you included a lot of detail without directly copying from the article and you chose an interesting topic of the missing Malaysian airplane which I too hope can be found as soon as possible. Not only that, you managed to present the article in a very easy to understand way without butchering the information or simplifying it. This was especially evident in your summary paragraph as well as the critique paragraph where you brought up very good questions. Thank you for suggesting that site by the way. Some of the articles are really short but on the other hand, they are also very fun to read. Hopefully, they post more information about the Malaysian Flight 370 incident sometime soon.

    Also, it was interesting to find out that satellites like Observing-1 (EO-1) and ISERV camera were used to try and find pictures of crash land sites where the plan may have landed and that any evidence or data of the plane’s crashing would be sent directly to the U.S. Geological Survey's Earth Resources Observations and Science Hazard Data Distribution System even though the U.S. is not necessarily directly related to this case. However, it is obvious why they would be concerned, particularly because of the passengers with the fake passports, though according to other articles, it seems a bit unlikely that they would be the direct cause of the incident. I think the possibilities are not just limited to terrorist attacks or crash landings though. Since the Malaysian government has been pretty neglectful of this case, I would think that they might have something to do with it. Maybe they are part of some kind of cover up of a drastic statement against China. This is just speculation with very little evidence to back it up though, but I hope these two cents were worth it.

  2. Thank You for the wonderful comment Michelle!!
