Sunday, October 6, 2013

post #2

I read the article, "Asteroids Battered Young Earth Longer Than Thought." This article explained how scientists use the Late Heavy Bombardment to learn more about our solar system's history. Today, asteroids can be found between Mars and Jupiter in an area known as the asteroid belt. However, 4.1 billion years ago asteroids hit earth for a longer period of time than scientists thought, as shown by the Late Heavy Bombardment. During this time of the Late heavy Bombardment, asteroids pummeled the earth, moon, and inner planets. Scientists today, study craters to learn more about our solar system's history. The craters on the moon have been proven to be more valuable to scientists then the Craters on earth. This is because the craters on the moon's surface haven't changed, and the craters on earth's surface have changed due to erosion and plate tectonics. 

1 comment:

  1. A few things:

    It would be helpful to go into some of the scientific details of HOW scientists know about the "Late Heavy Bombardment" and HOW they study the craters. What specifically are they measuring or looking for? What are their tools and technology?

    A link to the article would be helpful. Watch capitalization.
