Monday, October 19, 2015

"Life on Jupiter's Moons? Juice May Hold the Key"

Earth Science D Odd
Gabbie Amboss
Current Event #1
October 16, 2015

Gilbert, Dave. "Life on Jupiter's Moons? Juice May Hold the Key -" CNN. Cable News Network, 21 Aug. 2015. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.

The article titled, Is there life on Jupiter's moons? Juice may hold the key, by Dave Gilbert, is a very informative article about new discoveries on Jupiter's many moons and a new project called Juice that will investigate further into this discoveries. First off it starts talking about the Rosetta mission that landed on Comet 67P in 2014 and has been sending back startling data.  For example, it states that “Comet 67P contains multiple organic compounds that make up the building blocks of life adds weight to a theory that Earth may have been seeded with those vital ingredients” (paragraph 2). Then it changes gears by talking about the Jovian system, which is the four outer planets including Jupiter. Evidence sent back from the Hubble telescope shows the presence of water vapor above the south polar region of Europe, one of Jupiter’s moons. The curiosity of knowing whether or not life could be existent on this moon lead NASA to add $30 million to its 2016 budget to comprise a mission to Europa. The program called Juice (from JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer) is estimated to seven years to arrive in the Jovian system to spend 3½ years exploring the Jovian system including Jupiter and Europa as well as its other two moons Ganymede and Callisto.
This article is important to society because it answers questions that could possibly bring us one step closer to finding life on other planets and moons in our solar system. It might not be very relevant to our everyday lives, however its a step in the right direction. Small discoveries like these can lead us to bigger discoveries in the near future.
In my opinion, I believe that the article was very well written and informative. The paragraphs were very short but filled with important information that was clear and easy to understand. It included interesting facts and quotes which makes the article more interesting and enjoyable to read.  

1 comment:

  1. Evelyn Kluemper
    Earth Science

    Gabbie’s review on “Is there life on Jupiter’s moons? Juice may hold the key” by Dave Gilbert was interesting. She describes the Rosetta mission that has been taken in the past and what discoveries it had made, including properties of Comet 67P. Gabbie incorporated quotes from experts on the topic, making the information more clear and understandable. She also elaborates on the presence of water vapor on Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons. Exploring this moon and several others is the goal of the Juice (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) Program by NASA.
    I learned about how the Juice program is determined to discover life on Europa, which may have water. Although it will take seven years to reach the Jovian system, the mission’s findings will be impactful to the field of science. I also learned that Comet 67P hosts multiple organic compounds that may hint at the origination of the building blocks of organisms on Earth.
    This review was well-written and informative. However, it would be interesting if Gabbie elaborated on Comet 67P, for example, its current relative location in our solar system.
