Monday, October 21, 2013

Voyager 1 Article

                                                 Voyager 1 Article                                                                                          

Citation :
            Barnes, Brooks. "In a Breathtaking First, NASA's Voyager 1 Exits the Solar System." 12 Sept. 2013. 21 Oct. 2013. <>.

            In the article that I read, I found out about a very interesting event. Did you know that NASA’s Voyager 1 exited the Solar System on September 12th? Voyager 1 is now 11.7 billion miles from Earth and was designed 36 years ago to have a 4 year mission to Saturn. Voyager 1 became the first probe to ever exit the solar system! This occurrence led to Voyager 1 becoming capable to explore the Milky Way and send information to NASA’s jet laboratory about what the conditions are like. This transfer of data from Voyager 1 down to Earth takes 17 hours and 22 minutes. While reading this article, I noticed that Dr. Edward C. Stone, an expert on Voyagers, believed that Voyager 1 will “keep sending back data-with a 23-watt transmitter, about the equivalent of a refrigerator light bulb-until roughly 2025.” Even though Voyager scientists have to be experienced, precise and strategic to increase data collection on Voyager 1, Dr. Donald Gurnett, from the University of Iowa states that Voyager 1 has reached the “holy grail of heliosphere research.”  “This is historic stuff, a bit like the first exploration of Earth,” states Edward C. Stone. The data was looked at very closely to make sure this event really occurred, just like Earth’s exploration.
            This article is very relevant and important to society. The exit of Voyager 1 from the solar system is a historical event that everyone should know of. Also, because of the positioning of Voyager 1 outside the solar system, it allows scientists to accurately study galactic cosmic rays, which are high energy particles that originate outside the solar system.  Voyager 1 helps with better data collection of possible solar plasma. Just like Donald Gurnett said, “I don’t know if it’s in the same league as landing on the moon, but its right up there.” Obviously, this article informs us about a very important event in the science world.  I am lucky to have the chance to read this amazing article because this event will go down in the record books, and will enhance our knowledge of probes, specifically Voyager 1 which left Earth 36 years ago!
            I love this article and still cannot believe that I never found out about this awesome event. In this article, I really enjoyed how there were references to other occurences in space that relate to Voyager 1, specifically, the landing of the moon and Star Trek. It was neat how there was a lot of insight from successful engineers and scientists, but there could have been a little bit too many quotes. Insight is very important, but too many opinions including in a article I believe takes away from the plot. However, overall I loved this article. Once I read the title, I knew that I would be hooked because I love space! I found this current event a very fun activity. Hopefully, the world will continue to find out about Voyager 1, and read this article with amazement just like I did.

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