Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Earth Science: Current Event By Justin McCarthy

Justin McCarthy                                                                                        McClellan
10/28/15                                                                                                      Earth Science
Current Event: Water on Mars: Exploration & Evidence By Nola Taylor Redd
Scientist who have studied Outer space have always wondered the possibilities that other planets in the universe have water like Earth’s which would be the next stop closer to figure out if those planets support life. While Scientist have not find any real evidence to claim that Earth is not alone; NASA has come one step closer to figure out the gigantic jigsaw puzzle if other planets in the universe support the theory for life. Earlier this autumn season, a satellite found proof that there is water beneath the surface of Mars. While that is not enough conclusive evidence to find out if the red planet supports life, it does bring us one step closer to finding out the answer. The main idea to this article (“Water on Mars: Exploration & Evidence By Nola Taylor Redd”) which I have researched, states there is enough evidence to prove that water still floats on the Red Planet. Throughout this article which is composed by the author is able to provide evidence to support a scientific theory that water is still on the Red Planet in the 21st century. The biggest conclusive evidence which helps indicate to mankind that water is still on the red planet is that scientist have discovered that there is salt water beneath the Martian surface. Another piece of evidence which helps prove that water has not completely evaporated on the red planet is the polar ice caps and according to the article the poles has enough ice density to fill up Lake Michigan twice. While the mysterious question if there is life on Mars and in the universe still is looming; scientist have found a closure to the theory about water being discovered on Mars.

Redd, Nola Taylor. "Water on Mars: Exploration & Evidence | 7 Oct. 2015. Web. 24 Oct. 2015.

1 comment:

  1. David Weild Comment
    11/5/15 JUSTIN
    For my current events assignment this week, I read Justin McCarthy’s critique about water being discovered on Mars. I enjoyed l how Justin gave an overview of why this is important. He supported the article with lots of it’s hard facts about the theory of life and how water on Mars provides more evidence. I felt that this helped me understand more about the universe.
    While Justin’s article was strong in some areas, in others it was weaker. There were a few things he could’ve done to make it better. It might have been a good idea for him to break off the writing into 2 or 3 body paragraphs instead of 1 huge paragraph because it was hard to take in the information and stay focused when reading the paragraph. Also, I found a few grammatical mistakes that could easily be see, like commas. If he went over his work more thoroughly, I think he would have caught them.
    This article really surprised me because I had not previously known about this discovery. I had no idea how big of a thing this was until I read this. I had no clue that we had the technology to find this water.
