Friday, October 24, 2014

Earth Science D-ODD Ms.McClellan                                                                    Ellie Walsh
Current Event Quarter 1                                                                          10/23/14
California Institute of Technology. "Getting to know super-Earths: Using Hubble to study mysterious exoplanet." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 October 2014. <>.

In the article Getting to know super-Earths: Using Hubble to study mysterious exoplanet, the focus is on exoplanets named super-Earths. The study being done is of space beyond our solar system.  Astronomers only have been looking inside our planetary system for as long as they have been looking at the sky. The Kepler Spacecraft is beginning to change this, and the studies are finding that exoplanets compare to earth in a various amount of ways. The super- Earths are the most common exoplanets in the galaxy, but astronomers have still yet to discover what they are made of.  There are numerous possibilities of what their composition is, but there are obstacles to get around in order to make more discovers. Hopefully, soon there will be more discoveries on the composition, which will reveal more information about these exoplanets.
This study of exoplanets beyond our solar system will lead to more discoveries about our universe. If astronomers going further into this research in later years, it will have more of an impact on people. The article does not only give an insight of what is happening with these exoplanets, but also shows how big the universe is. This discovery is mostly important for the world within astronomy. I hypothesis that this discovery brought achievement and satisfaction to astronomers. They may not be satisfied with their findings yet, because they are not nearly done. I find this exciting to know that there may be atmospheres on exoplanets beyond our solar system, so I wonder how astronomers feel about this breakthrough of possible atmosphere beyond our solar system.

I found this article interesting to read because although astronomers do not know what the atmosphere is like, they are finding other earth-like qualities. I found the article to be a little misleading. The article is mostly full of assumptions. The author includes facts about these exoplanets, but I wish it were possible for them to know more. This article definitely was very interesting, and grabbed my attention and curiosity. The author knew what he was talking about and brought in the reader with quotes that helped grasp the points that were being made. I think the author did a really good job in constructing this article. The article is readable for someone who has little knowledge about this topic and someone with extensive knowledge. I believe this author did a good job with this piece. I do hope to see how the astronomers can further this discovery.


  1. Hello Ellie,

    First off let me just say great job, you analysed this article very well.

    3 Aspects of the review that were particularly well presented:
    I really enjoyed at the end of your report that you said who the article would be good for. It is good that the article is readable for someone who has little to no knowledge on this topic. I read the article and found it very interesting.
    I agreed with the fact that it was a lot of assumptions but it is very hard to know a lot about these exoplanets because of how far away they are. Hopefully in the future we can learn more about these planets and maybe even travel to them.
    I especially appreciated your part about the scientists being very happy with themselves about making this discovery.

    2 Things you were impressed by/or learned from reading the article and its review
    I was very interested to learn about the existence of these planets. It is very cool to know that there may be life supporting planets and maybe even life.
    I am also impressed to learn that we have the technology to see these planets from Earth or Earth’s orbit.

    1 Suggestion for how the review could have been even better
    I think you could have included why you chose to use this article.

    Overall awesome job! Keep up the great work!

    Peter Meyers

  2. Great Job Ellie!

    3 Aspects of the review that were particularly well presented:
    I thought that the background about exoplanets was really well written and easy to understand which is really important because without that information the article would be much harder to understand.I also really thought the way you incorporated your own hypothesis was really well done. You gave your hypothesis which was broad but then added on a lot about why you believed that was true which really helped captivate me as the reader. I also appreciated how you were honest in your last paragraph and stated that your article was misleading and full of assumptions. That critique was important to say and worded well.

    2 Things you were impressed by/or learned from reading the article and its review:
    It was really interesting to learn about exoplanets and about how the Kepler space craft is beginning to study the exoplanets in comparison to earth. I also found it very interesting that some of those planets may be able to support life.

    1 Suggestion for how the review could have been even better:
    I think that maybe a little more back ground information about exoplanets may have been helpful.

    Good job!


  3. Nice current event Ellie.
    The main focus of the article that you read was on exo-planets outside of the realm of our solar system. You did a really good job giving background on these exo-planets at first and how we as astronomers study them, thus easing the reader into the review instead of throwing too much information at us right away. Next, I thought you did a great job transitioning from summary paragraph to analysis paragraph and analysis paragraph to critique paragraph. Your transitions weren't choppy, and as a result, the whole review flowed as a unit (not as separate paragraphs). Finally, I thought your hypothesis in the second paragraph was both insightful and logical. It is unusual for a student to put a hypothesis in their review, but you did it nicely.
    One thing I found interesting was when you talked about how scientists are just beginning to research and understand exo-planets. I figured they would be harder to study purely because of their distance from the Earth compared to the planets in our own solar system, but I still assumed that at least a good deal of research had gone into galaxies and planets outside our own solar system. Apparently not. Also, I found the sentence about the Kepler Spacecraft to be interesting and thought provoking. Since we just learned about Kepler and his impact on astronomy in the last unit, it was cool to make the connection between his work and this spacecraft.
    Personally, I would suggest possibly incorporating quotes into your review here and there. They tend to directly back up what you are claiming, and, especially since your article comes from a reputable source (Cal Tech), quotes would add fervor and backing to your points. Overall though, wonderful job Ellie.

  4. Nice job Ellie!!! The first thing i think you did especially well is explain how this research has an impact on mostly the astronomical world. I also really like how you hypothesized what may be to come because it shows you really analyzed the article well. I also enjoyed how you wrote in your last paragraph you talked a lot about how it was mostly full of assumptions and you said who this article would be good for.
    One thing that I found interesting was how you talked a lot about how this is only the beginning of research and how we know so little about exoplanets and that their is apart of the universe that is essentially unknown. It also impressed me how technology can now study things as far away as these exoplanets. One thing I think you could've included was dates as studies progressed. Other than that it was great!!!! :)

  5. Goof job Ellie
    3 Aspects of the review that were particularly well presented:
    I think the detail, background about the exoplanets was very well explained and very easy to understand it. I also really like how you made your own hypothesis that was very well done!!! Also i really like your last paragraph and how you really explained your feeling about the article.

    2 Things you were impressed by/or learned from reading the article and its review:
    I learn about exoplanets and about how the Kepler space craft is beginning to study in earth. I also found it really cool that those planets might be able to support life on them.

    1 Suggestion for how the review could have been even better
    Why you chose it

    Good job otherwise
