Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Planet Discovery

John George Brakatselos                                                                            10/19/12
Earth Science                                                                                    Ms. Davies

Citation: Overbye, Dennis. "New Planet Found in Alpha Centauri." The New York Times. The New York Times, 17 Oct. 2012. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. <>.

          This article come back to the main topic of discussion going on right now in our solar system; the possibility of life supporting planets. This has been a huge debatable topic over the years. This article says that this planet is “about as close as it will ever get.” This is in response to the search for another Earth. It was announced on the Wednesday of this week that this new planet was found in Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri is a triple star system that is 4.4 light years away from us. The man responsible for the discovery, Xavier Dumusque, who is a graduate student at the Geneva Observatory claims that we will never find anything like it. However this is the downside if the fact that it is close to its very hot star, Alpha Centauri B, which is only four million miles away. This is a problem because it is very difficult to support life at a surface temperature of 1,200 degrees. The good thing we can gain from this is the fact that if there is this similar planet in the area, then there may be others. The data shows that the possibility of life in the other system of Alpha Centauri B is more likely due to its distance of 64 million miles from its sun. This distance is key because it allows for essential things like water and survival. Scientists have also begun to use a method of wobbling to find the location of planets. They can easily track the movement of stars and trace back to where the gravity from one of the planets could be pulling them. This is very smart because it may be difficult to find new planets, but there are a lot of stars to track.
          I thought that this article is important to our society because this question has been asked for many years. “Is there life on other planets?” These small breakthroughs could eventually lead to a big discovery of a plant with intelligent life. If we do find another plant like our own, it could arguably be the biggest scientific discovery in years. These are the kinds of questions people devote their whole lives trying to answer. Eventually all this work will pay off and we will be one step closer to figuring out why we are here, and how we got here in the first place.
          I thought this was an interesting article. However in my opinion it is just one more planet to add to the list of planets that turned out to be too hot. I have noticed this to be a recurring theme in the discovery of planets. Unless there has been a discovery of something drastically different that it should be shared, then they should really wait to share these discoveries in the newspaper. I can understand why they would put this planet in the paper due to its mass similarity, so it would make sense why they decided to share information about this specific planet.

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