Friday, October 20, 2017

F.D.A. Approves Second Gene-Altering Treatment for Cancer

F.D.A. Approves Second Gene-Altering Treatment for Cancer

David Weild
AP-Bio C-Odd
Current Event 5

I read the New York Times article “F.D.A. Approves Second Gene-Altering Treatment for Cancer,” by Denise Grady about a new drug called “Yescarta.” This drug is an  “F.D.A. Approve[ed] Second Gene-Altering Treatment for Cancer.” Kite Pharma is the company behind this new and impressive drug. Yescarta is eligible for adults with non-hodgkin's lymphoma to use.  Specifically, Yescarta turns cells into a drugs.  This branch of treatment is called Immunotherapy and Gene therapy is a sub-category.
This drug is only available to a specific group of people. Patients must fail at least two rounds of chemotherapy.  In most cases, Yescarta allows for a longer remission for most people.  Yescarta originated by injection through a vein by creator, Dr. Steven Rosenberg.  Doctors have described the results of Yescarta as remarkable.

Cleary, there are side effects to every drug. Yescarta’s include, “high fevers, crashing blood pressure, lung congestion, and neurological problems.” Side effects of this drug can be so serious they have been known to kill some people. Lately, doctors are finding out new ways to counter side effects and help their patients live. The author cited information Kite Pharma and the uses of Yescarta. The author gave background information on Immunotherapy which I had never heard of before which was very helpful to me. Maybe this strong drug could actually reach more patients of lymphoma. Cancer drugs like chemotherapy can usually be used in multiple types of cancer. If Yescarta can expand, it’s use would be vital to lots of people. As well as this, background was given about the use of the drug -- T-cells are removed and then freezed which are then engineered to kill other cancer cells.