Ned McCann
Earth Science/ D-Odd McClellan
Geggel, By Laura. "Lush Oasis to Arid Desert: How Our View of Mars Has Changed." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 30 Sept. 2015. Web. 30 Sept. 2015. <>
In the article, Lush Oasis to Arid Dessert: How Our View of Mars Has Changed, the author Laura
Geggel writes about the history of peoples view of Mars and how it has changes as technology
advances. This article is written due to the recent news that there has been salt water discovered on
Mars, strengthening the argument that there could be life on Mars. Geggel explains how the
observation of Mars first came from the ancient Greeks and Romans and how they thought that the
planet was half the size of Earth. Though in the 17th and 18th century people used nascent telescopes
to get a better view of Mars and came to realize it was indeed a planet that had a similar 24 hour day
to Earth. They also believed there were aliens living among the planet just like humans on Earth. In
specifics, she explains that Sir William Herschel assumed that the dark spots on Mars were oceans
and the light spots were land. The astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli speculated that alien life on
Mars had made canals in 1877. Many people agreed with his speculations and people went as far as
to write books about his observations. In the 1960's and 70's astronomers were finally able to
disprove the beliefs that there were canals on Mars. In the year 1971 Nasa sent out the Mariner 9
spacecraft which sent back pictures confirming the geography of Mars which was described from
Bruce Jakosky a professor of geological sciences from the University of Colorado Boulder as,
"including streambeds, river channels, and volcanoes" which is very much like Earth geological
features. Lately NASA has sent out robots to examine Mars and they have concluded that there is
water about a mile inside Mars and that there once was water in Mars millions of years ago but it has
disappeared. Geggel explains that the water found on Mars recently is extremely salty which makes
life harder to live but extremophiles can live in those circumstances.
This article is important to society because it gives the science world new leads to whether there
is life on Mars. In the past few weeks this news has been all over the science world and is very
exciting. Even with all the missions and robots that have been on Mars there is still so much more to
learn and left to be discovered. Also this article teaches someone who may not know very much
about the history of Mars (like me) but has taught me so much.
I thought this was an excellent article that was very well written and interesting. It was very
helpful that Laura Geggel included the history of the human view of Mars since ancient times to now.
It helps you to realize just how far technology and science have come and that there is still so much
more to be discovered. I also really enjoyed how Geggel included quotes from a chief scientist from
NASA and professor Bruce Jakosky and their take on the recent news. Overall this was a very
enjoyable article and I am excited to learn more about Mars in the future.